Wow. I knew I am always ready for a random and crazy adventure that usually ends up with an unexpected ending but who knew so soon after I just wrote a blog! Alright, so I am still at JMU packing up my apartment which is taking me wayyyy longer than expected because 1.) just imagine me, eve karlin, packing (enough said). 2.) I have to paint my room....ummm yea this will be interesting. And 3.) I wanted to do things that I always said I wanted to do but never had the time such as blue hole.
Now, I figured this blue hole adventure would last about an hour. I figured a 10 minute drive followed by 40min of soaking up the rays followed by a drive back to continue the packing. Wellllll boy was I wrong!!!!!!
The adventure began with me getting directions. First of all, for future reference no one should ever assign me the task of getting directions because clearly that never works out for the best. So, instead of asking a friend I thought it would be best to google it. Here's the website that noooo JMU student should use when trying to go to Blue Hole The adventure continued as I picked up my glil Janelle and we headed off for what we thought was going to be a 10 minute drive. Meanwhile the directions said thtis blue hole is in West Virginia. I told Janelle and also said that WV is only 10 min away.....totally making it up but acting completely confident about my geographical intelligence. Janelle said great and we headed off. 10 mins led to 20 to 30 to 40 and finally we looked at eachother and said "OMG!!! This must be the greatest place if jmu students are going to drive sooo far." As we continue along our way we see water and get excited thinking we are getting closer. Janelle went to Blue Hole 2 years ago and was like "yeaaa this all looks really familiar." Ummmm wrong...and....FAIL FAIL FAIL!
We finally reached our destination at "blue hole" which was in the George Washington National Forest after 45 minutes of driving. It was beautiful and I would have jumped in but we did not see any big rocks to jump from. We met a lady and when I asked her where it was safe to jump from I got the response of a blank stare. 2 minutes later she starts laughing and explained that there is ANOTHER blue hole in bridgewater area where jmu students go to! After getting directions from a hillbilly in a pickup truck (using my blog came in handy) we decided we drove this far lets go to the othere blue hole. On our drive back to Harrisonburg Janelle and I concluded that there should by no means have 2 blue holes within one hour from each other. I mean seriously, VA can't get creative with naming swimming holes. Janelle was saying that the crayola box is filled with colors...and I AGREE!!!! Why not purple hole, teal hole, magenta hole...and if they do not want to get creative with color choices then make it simple and clear for people. How about just Harrisonburg Swimming Hole for the one in the 'burg and George Washington National Forest for the other one! That way nooo confusion for people like myself who enjoy googling directions.
Anyways, after another hour of driving we reached the real blue hole. For any future jmu students who want to go to blue hole just go on 33 west....thats it....i swear. I never jumped into water feeling such an accomplishment. Yay Janelle, we made it to not only one blue hole but 2!!! Great Times!
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