Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Beginning of a Lifelong Adventure

I graduated from James Madison University on May 9. There were all of these thoughts running through my head throughout graduation week. I was not sure if I was really ready to graduate, get a job, face the real world. I had fears of moving to NYC, pursuing my dream as a dancer, with no solid job. I was sad about leaving many of my friends who mean the most to me (355 love, sa love, 1033 love, sar bear love....lots of people in my love bubble). I became nervous that my new life will be consisted of a 9-5 job followed by dance followed by a night job followed by NO free time to just sit back and do many adventures.
At JMU, I was lucky enough to be a Student Ambassador. The greatest experiences I had at college was with all of my friends in this organization. We did so many amazing adventures together from retreats, to senior nights, to wed meetings and dhall madness...the list literally could go on for hours, but the best adventures always was BEACH WEEK!
I just got back from Beach Week which was the time of my life!!!!!!! I mean it does not get much better than being on a beautiful beach with 104 of your closest friends with no responsibilities. Needless to say, many random and crazy adventures happened in Nags Head last week. Some adventures included streaking on the beach only to be completely scared of the small crabs who are probably more scared of me (had to be carried off the beach), 9am beer bongs (thanks jordan cole) which led to a crazy day filled with a popsicle fest, football games, and later a FUN night filled with rob tricking everyone that he was going to throw me off the balcony, but the best adventure of them all was the job I got for one day delivering telephone books throughout all of Nags Head. I mean seriously, who gets a job for a day on beach week!!!!
So after the fact that I should have listened to Toolan and Cote who kept saying do not do the job so not worth it....I went ahead and said money is money lets do this thingggg. I thought I was going to deliver coupon books and it would be cash....ohhhh no no no it was not! I had to run from house to house delivering big telephone books for 25 cents a book divided by 3 people on a hot hot day!!!! The story goes on and on but all I know is I got back to the beach house out of the back of a pickup truck physically exhausted but with a story.
After my friends heard my day's adventure we all decided I needed to start a blog. This comes back to the beginning of the blog when I said I was scared about not being able to do crazy things next year. Well after talking to my friends I realized that random adventures just come my way and no matter where my path goes next year it will be filled with random stories that put smiles on people's faces! So this is the beginning of many more stories to come...get excited people because I will document my life's craziness for a good laugh! I loveS you all...remember the love bubble! xo


  1. I am so proud of you for starting a blog! You didn't even need Rob's mentoring. Excited to read about the adventures!

  2. You did it! You started a blog...now I have to laugh at your adventures from reading then instead of having you tell them to me...sigh...but I'll read them all cause I misssss you! lol

    355 love,

  3. money is money lets do this thingggg

  4. Eve...your blog is officially bookmarked! I can't wait to keep reading :)

  5. I am so proud that you have a blog!! Can't wait to add it to my list of addictive sites... love you little. <3

  6. this blog just turned my awful day into an awesome one - can't wait to read more!
