Friday, June 5, 2009

Cell Phones and EvieK are like Tires and Nails...DISASTERS

Ok. Seriously FML! So I am having my graduation party today up in Maine and decided to clean the house a little. And sure enough, with my luck, I wash my cell phone with my sheets!!!! I am really?!?!?!? So now I have legit no phone and nooo way to let people know that my phone is dunzo besides facebook. AWESOME.
So, I decided to give you all a little insight on my luck with phones. Well, it all started back in the day...Freshman year of high school when my first cell phone was stolen. Yes, I went to a ghetto high school where people actually stole cell phones during gym class. Then, I was downtown in good 'ol Worcester when I accidentally left my purse in my car for a MINUTE. Remembered it was there, ran back, and sure enough purse and cell phone stolen. GREAT.
Then I go to college. Where I think just maybeeee my luck with cell phones will improve. OH WAS I WRONG!!!!! I went through 7 cell phones freshman year. Yes, you read correctly. 7! I put my cell phone in my back pocket and then when I go to the bathroom I forget my phone is still in my pocket and then it drops into the toilet. So me, never and I repeat neverrrrr put your cell phone in your back pocket I made this mistake 7 times.
Then, Sophomore year...I am thinking alright, I am not a Freshman anymore...maybe I will be more responsible with my cell phone. WRONG AGAIN! Big/Lil reveal phone ends up in legit two pieces. Ask Miss Ally Toolan about this since she witnessed the event of the death of anotherrrr phone.
Junior year comes around, and I was rocking the most ghetto phone in the worldddd. After many crazy JMU nights, my poor phone (9th phone) was attached by an elastic rubber band in order to work. Don't ask why...just over time it started falling apart.
So then, my wonderful grandmother sees my awful phone and decides to ge me another one as long as I promised to take good care of it. I of course promised and did everythinggggg in my power to not lose, break, or have the phone stolen from me. I got the phone junior year during december break and wellllll just killed it. It is a sad day in EvieK's phone history. I admit I have killed 10 phones with the most stupid and absurd reasons. So now pleaseee facebook me, email me, somehow get in touch with me because if you know me at know my phone is attached to my hip at all times.
Good Job EvieK....NOT!

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